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The relentless pursuit of mastery
“Mastery is not a question of genetics or luck, but of following your natural inclinations and the deep desire that stirs you from within.”

- Robert Greene

They are creators and builders;
not followers
"We're here to put a dent in the universe.
Otherwise why else even be here?"

- Steve Jobs

Focused, disciplined and
"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus."

- Bruce Lee

Authentic and principled
"Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream. If you let society and your peers define who you are, you're the less for it.”

- Hugh Hefner

Living in the moment; being in
a constant state of flow
"I don't think about art when I'm working. I try to think about life."

- Jean-Michel Basquiat

Being a part of something bigger;
their work is bigger than them
“The idea is not to live forever; it is to create something that will.”

- Andy Warhol

Life is a beautiful sport; they
never stop playing
"I don't do drugs. I am a drug."

- Salvador Dali

Constantly curious; they never
stop learning
"Without experimentation, a willingness to ask questions and try new things, we shall surely become static, repetitive and moribund."

- Anthony Bourdain

Living between reality and
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance.”

- Alan Wilson Watts

Amateurs talk; masters get to work
"Don't say you are a comedian, make people laugh."

- anonymous